A memory

I should be writing about a memory but i won’t! Hold it there,it’s a memory in a way. What makes it not be a ‘memory’ is because i can’t remember things at some point. So here it is. I had gone for my rugby training session on that particular Saturday. Unfortunately i suffered a concussion. Now here is something about concussions. The side effects vary. Mine was a little bit mild with lose of memory. Fortunately enough for about 10 minutes only. The only downside is that i couldn’t and still can’t remember the events that led to my concussion. I just can’t remember, and that really still disturbs me

Imagine guys with amnesia. Or even demensia. One cannot remember past events and the other has trouble with remembering previous daily events. I have had a taste of memory loss and believe me you it ain’t something to be overlooked. Memories mean a lot. I believe lossing one’s memory should be amongst the dreaded things on earth.

What’s your stand?

Be sure to check out the 22nd day on Blogtober hosted by Caroline on this link.

Have a lovely weekend guys. 💙

Published by odfellah

Simple and understanding. Out here for the betterment of a society am part of.

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